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Indonesia, 17 Agustus 2020 – Bertepatan dengan HUT ke-75 RI, Tokopedia memasuki usia ke-11. Perusahaan teknologi buatan Indonesia ini sekarang terdiri dari lebih dari 8,6 juta penjual yang 94%nya berskala ultra mikro, dikunjungi lebih dari 90 juta masyarakat per bulan dan menjangkau 98% kecamatan di Indonesia.

Founder dan CEO Tokopedia, William Tanuwijaya, mengatakan, “Merayakan usia baru, khususnya di tengah pandemi seperti ini, tentu harus disertai dengan semangat baru untuk terus beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan baru. Selama 11 tahun, Tokopedia melihat dengan dekat bagaimana keberanian, kegigihan dan harapan para pegiat usaha di Indonesia dalam berkontribusi signifikan terhadap perekonomian.”

“Karena mereka, lebih dari 1% perekonomian Indonesia telah terjadi di atas Tokopedia. Kami sangat bersyukur karena walau pandemi memukul keras, seluruh mitra strategis Tokopedia, baik penjual, pembeli, pemerintah dan mitra strategis lainnya, berkolaborasi lebih gencar dalam membantu para pegiat usaha di Indonesia, khususnya UMKM, bertahan sekaligus berkontribusi memulihkan ekonomi yang terdampak pandemi,” lanjut William.

Sebagai bentuk apresiasi terhadap para mitra strategis yang berperan dalam 11 tahun berkarya untuk Indonesia, Tokopedia menghadirkan Tokopedia Play Fest lewat kanal video streaming Tokopedia Play. Festival virtual ini terdiri dari sejumlah talk show bersama pembicara inspiratif dari berbagai latar belakang. Mulai dari Menteri Keuangan RI Sri Mulyani dan Menteri Luar Negeri RI Retno Marsudi, pakar teknologi, sederet pegiat usaha lokal dan lainnya.

Menteri Luar Negeri RI, Retno Marsudi, memberikan semangat bagi masyarakat untuk tetap optimis di tengah pandemi melalui talk show ‘Leaders are Human Too’. “Situasi yang kita hadapi saat ini bukan situasi yang mudah, namun kita tidak boleh menyerah dan harus tetap optimis. Jangan pernah kendorkan optimisme dan persatuan kita sebagai bangsa. Mari bersama-sama menyebarkan energi positif dalam semangat gotong royong. Generasi muda pasti bisa,” ungkap Retno.

Di sisi lain, Menteri Keuangan RI, Sri Mulyani, mengatakan, “Dalam menghadapi kondisi pandemi, langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah tentu yang pertama di bidang kesehatan, kemudian turut melakukan bantuan sosial sekaligus memberikan banyak sekali dukungan bagi para pelaku usaha lokal di Indonesia agar mereka dapat terus bertahan dan tetap berkarya. Hal ini merupakan langkah penting yang harus terus kita upayakan demi membangkitkan sisi ekonomi sosial Indonesia dengan tetap semangat.”

Selain talk show bersama dua menteri, Tokopedia menghadirkan ‘Semangat Baru Talk Show’ dimana para pegiat UMKM berbagi kisah inspiratif menghadapi pandemi dengan teknologi. Melalui talk show ini, Tokopedia berharap semakin banyak pegiat usaha lokal yang tergerak memanfaatkan teknologi demi mempertahankan bisnis dan berkontribusi terhadap pemulihan ekonomi, sekaligus mendorong kebanggaan masyarakat akan produk buatan Indonesia.

Selanjutnya, ada START Summit Extension bertema ‘Shift in Indonesia’s Technology Landscape’, menghadirkan pakar teknologi Tokopedia yang berbagi cerita perkembangan inovasi Tokopedia sepanjang 11 tahun. Sebagai penutup Tokopedia Play Fest, masyarakat bisa menyaksikan talk show dengan narasumber sejumlah pemimpin di Tokopedia dan dilanjutkan dengan konser amal yang menampilkan penyanyi papan atas, seperti Bunga Citra Lestari, Ari Lasso dan Andmesh Kamaleng.

“Melalui Tokopedia Play Fest, Tokopedia berharap bisa menginspirasi sebanyak-banyaknya masyarakat Indonesia bahwa salah satu kunci menghadapi pandemi adalah berinovasi dan berkolaborasi. Mari rayakan kemerdekaan dengan semangat baru dan terus bersatu lawan pandemi. Bersama-sama kita #JagaEkonomiIndonesia dengan mendudukkan buatan Indonesia di kursi juara,” tutup William.


Tentang Tokopedia

Tokopedia, perusahaan teknologi Indonesia, memiliki misi mencapai pemerataan ekonomi secara digital. Visi Tokopedia adalah membangun sebuah Super Ecosystem dimana siapa pun bisa memulai dan menemukan apa pun. Saat ini, Tokopedia memberdayakan jutaan penjual dan pengguna melalui marketplace dan produk digital, fintech dan pembayaran, logistik dan fulfillment, serta Mitra Tokopedia.

Kontak Media

Tim PR Tokopedia | pr@tokopedia.com



Indonesia, 17 August 2020 – Coinciding with Indonesia’s 75th Anniversary, Tokopedia has entered its 11th anniversary. This Indonesian-made technology company is now home to more than 8.6 million sellers, 94% of which are ultra-micro, visited by more than 90 million people per month and covering 98% of sub-districts in Indonesia.

Founder and CEO of Tokopedia, William Tanuwijaya, said, “Celebrating a new age, especially in the midst of a pandemic like this, must certainly be accompanied by a new spirit while adapting to new habits. For 11 years, Tokopedia has seen closely the courage, persistence and hope of local business players in Indonesia as an effort to contribute significantly to the economy.”

“Because of them, more than 1% of Indonesia’s economy has happened in Tokopedia. We are very grateful because even though the pandemic greatly affected everyone, all of Tokopedia’s strategic partners, both sellers, buyers, government and other strategic partners, are collaborating more ardently in helping local businesses in Indonesia, especially MSMEs, to survive while encouraging the economy recovery which has been affected by the pandemic,” William continued.

As a token of appreciation for all strategic partners who have collaborated for Indonesia throughout 11 years, Tokopedia presented the Tokopedia Play Fest through the video streaming channel, Tokopedia Play. This virtual festival consists of numerous talk shows with inspirational speakers from various backgrounds. Starting from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, technology experts, as well as a series of owners of local businesses and many others.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, encouraged the public to remain optimistic amidst the pandemic through the ‘Leaders are Human Too’ talk show. “The situation we are facing right now is not an easy one, but we must not give up and we must remain optimistic. Never lose our optimism and unity as a nation. Let’s spread positive energy together in the spirit of gotong royong (mutual cooperation). The younger generation certainly can do this,” said Retno.

On the other hand, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani, said, “In facing pandemic conditions, the steps taken by the government are, of course, first in the health sector, then also providing social aid and numerous support for local business players in Indonesia so that they can continue to survive and keep moving. This is an important step that we must continue to strive for in order to raise the social economy side of Indonesia with vigor.”

In addition to the talk show with two Indonesian ministers, Tokopedia presented ‘Semangat Baru Talk Show’ where MSMEs shared their inspirational stories in facing the pandemic through technology. Through this talk show, Tokopedia hopes that more and more local business players will be inspired to use technology to maintain business operations and contribute to economic recovery, as well as motivate Indonesians’ pride in using locally-made products.

Moreover, Tokopedia also introduced START Summit Extension with the theme ‘Shift in Indonesia’s Technology Landscape’, which presents Tokopedia technology experts with inspiring stories in developing many of Tokopedia’s innovations throughout 11 years. In closing the Tokopedia Play Fest, Indonesians can watch other talk shows with speakers from a number of leaders at Tokopedia and continue with a charity concert featuring top Indonesian singers, such as Bunga Citra Lestari, Ari Lasso and Andmesh Kamaleng.

“Through Tokopedia Play Fest, Tokopedia hopes to inspire and remind as many Indonesians as possible that one of the keys to facing a pandemic is to innovate and collaborate. Let’s celebrate independence with renewed vigor and continue to unite against the pandemic. Together we can #JagaEkonomiIndonesia (Protect the Indonesian Economy) by placing Indonesian products on the winner’s seat,” concluded William.


About Tokopedia

Tokopedia, as an Indonesian technology company, has a mission to democratize commerce through technology. Tokopedia’s vision is to build a Super Ecosystem where anyone can start and discover anything. To this day, Tokopedia has empowered millions of merchants and users across the marketplace and digital goods, financial technology and payment, logistics and fulfillment, including Mitra Tokopedia.


Bianca AdriennawatiBianca Adriennawati

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