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GOOJODOQ 14" Portable Monitor HD 1080p for Office Gaming

Terjual 100+

bintang 4.9 (57 rating)

diskon 30%
Harga sebelum diskon Rp2.000.000
  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Waktu Preorder: 30 Hari
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Semua Etalase

72% color gamut, restore 100% of the original color of the notebook computer.

FHD 1920P Portable Monitor - Goojodoq, using a 14 inch advanced IPS screen with 178''° wide viewing angle, delivers stunning viewing quality 1920*1080 and HDR technology, portable gaming monitor. KYY's has excellent color rendering capabilities, providing clear, smooth and excellent performance in gaming/multimedia. Effectively reducing blue light radiation damage, flicker-free, eye-pleasing and easier to view. long time

WIDE COMPATIBILITY - Goojodoq portable monitor for laptop comes with 2 USB Type-C ports and a Mini-HDMI port. Easy access to your favorite devices with 1 cable solution. Compatible with most laptops smartphones Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, XBOX ONE or Nintendo Switch and more.

Ultra-slim Portable Display - Goojodoq USB C portable monitor has a 1cm (655g) ultra-thin profile, easy to slide into your pocket, allowing you to take it anywhere, perfect for on-the-go. take it anywhere Dual monitor setup or extend your phone screen for movies or games.

Durable Smart Cover - Comes with a scratch-resistant smart cover made of durable PU leather that doubles as a stand, providing comprehensive protection for this portable computer monitor. Two grooves in the base cover to provide at least some viewing angle for your comfort.
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4.9 (35,8 rb)

± 10 jam pesanan diproses

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4.9/ 5.0

96% pembeli merasa puas

57 rating • 17 ulasan


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Menampilkan 10 dari 17 ulasan

5 bulan lalu

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Packing nya rapi, pengiriman nya cepat dan Barang berkualitas. rekomenasi deh...

5 bulan lalu

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seller mengirimkan barang rusak, respon admin sangat lama untuk barang rusak ini. Memang harga sebanding dengan kualitas (kualitas barang dan pelayananannya). Kalau ada y...

Kendala: Kualitas barang bermasalah, Pelayanan penjual kurang

5 bulan lalu

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Mantap packingnya super secure. Setup sangat mudah. Layar clear. Kalau untuk nonton dan kerja bagus sekali buat saya. Tapi saya gak tau apakah cukup bagus untuk nge-judge...

7 bulan lalu

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it works perfectly.. cakep monitornya.. cukup colokan type c langsung keluar gambarnya.. mantab dagh...

8 bulan lalu

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Layar jernih build quality ok cocok untuk jd layar kedua

6 bulan lalu

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mantep buanget .. ga perlu tambahan power supply dr luar lagi. tinggal colok USB. dan sangat ringan

5 bulan lalu

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maaf baru kasi Review, baru sempet coba. kualitas okay lah, kualitas layar lumayan, resolusi FullHD, layarnya antiglair. lumayan banget harga segini

6 bulan lalu

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Barang mendarat dengan selamat, packing rapi dan semua berfungsi dengan normal.

6 bulan lalu

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mantapp berfungsi dengan baik, pengiriman aman ada bubble

1 bulan lalu

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respon cepat, monitor tidak berfungsi baik, ada white spot 4 titik, tinggal colok kabel usb c, saturasi warna kurang, ada speaker standard, warna hitam pun tidak terlalu...

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