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Activation Key

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Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio - Activation Key, Software Only

Terjual 100+

bintang 5 (74 rating)


Pilih ukuran: Activation Key

Pilih warna: Software Only

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio is a renowned advanced color correction software and now also a full-fledged, non-linear editing systemit even allows to you to import projects from other NLEs, such as from Premiere Pro, as XML files. You can edit, color correct, finish, and deliver all from one system. Moreover, Resolve is highly sophisticated and oriented at the same time toward the individual user, large collaborative teams, and the growing studio owner. It's completely scalable and resolution independent, so it can be used on set, in a small studio, or integrated into large production pipelines. Your order provides you with a USB dongle that lets you use the software on as many computers as you want by inserting the dongle into the one you want to use at the time.
Logo Core Media

5.0 (6,4 rb)

± 55 menit pesanan diproses

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5.0/ 5.0

100% pembeli merasa puas

74 rating • 36 ulasan


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Varian: Activation Key - Software Only

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Varian: Activation Key - Software Only

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