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Hifiman Arya Stealth Magnet Driver Open Back Headphone

1 barang berhasil terjual

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Headphone
Nanometer Thickness Diaphragm A breakthrough core technology developed by HIFIMAN and first of its kind in headphone application. Working with this advanced material is extremely challenging yet the successful incorporation of this film as the Arya #39;s planar driver is the cornerstone of its remarkable sound. Advanced Asymmetrical Magnetic Circuit Years of research into planar driver optimizations led HIFIMAN to utilize an asymmetric design with smaller magnets of the side facing the ear, reducing interference in sound wave transmissions from the diaphragm. Patented #34;Windows Shade #34; System Created to meet the need for driver protection and an optimized open-back design. Asymmetrical Earcups Follows the natural shape of the human ear. Sturdy 3.5mm User-replaceable Connector Design Allows easy cable swapping, giving both maximum durability and enhanced customizability. Metal and High-Grade Plastic Construction HIFIMAN designed the Arya #39;s high-quality metal headband with extra strength and a special high-grade plastic for lightweight comfort and rugged durability. Bold, Black Aesthetic With its class HE1000-style shape and the strikingly good looks of tis all-black exterior, the Arya is a statement of both aesthetics and sonic excellence. Specification: Frequency Response: 8Hz - 65kHz Impedance: 32 Sensitivity: 94dB Weight: 404g (14.3oz) Free: Headphone Stand
Logo csi-zone

5.0 (34,4 rb)

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