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Hifiman HE400SE / HE400 SE Open Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

Terjual 90+

bintang 5 (67 rating)

diskon 21%
Harga sebelum diskon Rp2.499.000
  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Headphone
A THIN YET POWERFUL STEALTH MAGNET FOR DISTORTION FREE SONIC BLISS. The specially designed Sleath magnet has a unique role to play in the HE400se. Unlike traditional magnets, a stealth magnet allows soundwaves to pass without any kind of interference. The overall magnet design of the HE400se is acoustically transparent to keep the wave diffraction turbulence in check. A POWERHOUSE PLANAR HEADPHONE FOR YOUR SMARTPHONE amp; TABLET. The planar magnetic HE400se headphone is highly sensitive making it a perfect match for audio sources with low voltage like your smartphones or your tablets. There is no need to plug in an outboard amplifier to get a pure and rich sound. ALL DAY WEARING COMFORT FOR THE PLEASURE OF MUSIC LISTENING. Music is best experienced with comfortable headphones. If you are someone who likes to listen to your music for long hours, the HiFiMAN HE400se is for you. They are not just comfortable to wear but highly durable as well. The headband of the HE400se is lightweight and adjustable which helps you to get a comfortable fit. WITH DRIVER-PROTECTING CASING AND DURABLE CONNECTION OPTIONS. Drivers are the core of the HiFiMAN HE400se. That #39;s where this planar magnetic headphone finds its strength to drive rich and clear sound. In order to make sure that these drivers are well-protected, a newly designed casing is employed. This enhances the durability of the drivers while also keeping them secure. Headphone Specification : FREQUENCY RESPONSE : 20Hz - 20kHz IMPEDANCE : 25 SENSITIVITY : 91dB WIRED CONNECTIVITY : 3.5mm WEARING STYLE : Over-Ear WEIGHT : 390g Free: Headphone Stand
Logo csi-zone

5.0 (34,4 rb)

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5.0/ 5.0

100% pembeli merasa puas

67 rating • 30 ulasan


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