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IFI Zen Phono Preamp / Pre-Amp Turntables / Vinyl Record Player

Terjual 9

bintang 5 (7 rating)

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Desktop DAC AMP
The iFi Audio Zen Phono is a small, powerful and affordable desktop phono preamplifier. The brand has particularly worked on noise reduction on this device which displays a background noise measured at 90/96dB (MM/MC). It is also versatile since it is compatible with both MM (Moving Magnet) and MC (Moving Coil) cell boards from lt; 0.25mV to gt; 2mW. The Zen Phono also includes a balanced circuit and connectors, a gain control, or a sub-sonic filter. The ZEN Phono has: MM/MC from 36dB gt;72dB gain. Super-silent noise floor -151dBV Precise RIAA with Balanced output, performance comparable to +$1k phono stages AI sub-sonic filter. Addresses warp without eliminating bass or causing phase issues Mil-spec RIAA The EQ circuit uses multiple TDK C0G capacitors in parallel. This is for best stability and the least distortion. They beat polystyrene capacitors and are close to Teflon. Already using the lowest tolerance capacitors combined with multiples in parallel, tolerance is exponentially improved by the square root of the number of capacitors. This is quite a natty circuit design. The RIAA EQ tolerance level (+/- 0.15dB) is impressive as it is en par with hand-selected capacitors! Super sub-sonic The intelligent sub-sonic filter is from the iPhono range and is quite special. Normal sub-sonic filters remove rumble AND bass and cause phase issues. Our unique AI phono sub-sonic filter removes rumble only. Hissless whisper. Unusually, the ZEN Phono has its own high-tech clean power supply. It creates a 1.2MHz power supply (20,000x mains frequency of 60Hz). In this circuit, a 10uF filtering capacitor = 200,000uF at lower, audible frequencies. With serious levels of noise filtration, it performs at the level of well-designed LC filtering circuits as found in classic tube amplifiers. Further, located on its own island PCB, it is isolated so there is no noise pollution of the analogue stage.
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5.0 (34,4 rb)

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5.0/ 5.0

100% pembeli merasa puas

7 rating • 6 ulasan


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barang bagus, pengiriman cepat. suaranya seimbang detil dan transparan.

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Barangnya sampai cepat dan aman damai sentosa..

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Setelah hampir 1,5th pake setup ATLP60x + ATH M50x/Audioengine A2, Skrg nyoba ditambah ifi zen phono buat gantiin preamp bawaan TT dan hasilnya kaya punya setup baru Kesa...

Lebih dari 1 tahun lalu

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Barang OK banget. Pelayanan dan pengiriman cepat... recommended seller...👍👍👍

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Lebih dari 1 tahun lalu

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bagus barangnya.. cepat layanannya.. toppp..

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