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Topping A50S Desktop Headphone Amplifier with NFCA Modules - Silver

Terjual 7

bintang 4.9 (7 rating)


Pilih warna: Silver

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Desktop DAC AMP
Ultra high performance NFCA module. At the heart of the A50s is an NFCA (Nested Feedback Composite Amplifier) module, identical to the one used in the brand #39;s flagship, the A90. Its hybrid current/voltage architecture associated with UHGF (Ultra High Gain Feedback) technology offers excellent DC and AC performance. A high output current allows the amplifier to accompany all types of headphones. An ultra-low noise level of 0.3V, a dynamic range of 144dB and the absence of background noise also allow the A50s to easily power the most sensitive EMIs. Robust aluminium housing. The components of the A50s are integrated in a solid Aluminium frame, CNC machined with high precision. Extremely robust, it also provides excellent heat dissipation to effectively remove heat from the power supply and AOPs of the unit. Balanced amp; Single-ended. Although the A50s has only an unbalanced input, it has a balanced amplifier circuit. It can therefore be used with unbalanced headphones on its 6.35mm jack output, or with balanced headphones on its 4.4mm jack output. Adjustable gain. The Topping amplifier offers a gain setting of 0dB or 6dB in unbalanced mode, or 6dB and 12dB in balanced mode. Once again, this setting, coupled with an ultra-low noise of 0.3Vrms, allows the A50s to adapt to both sensitive EMIs and headphones requiring a high energy input. An excellent preamplifier. If the main function of the A50s is headphone amplification, it is also a very good preamplifier with excellent performance. In preamplification mode, the output impedance is only 20, ensuring compatibility with many devices. Automatic switching. When the A50s is not connected to headphones or earphones, it automatically switches to preamplifier mode, with the amplified signal outputting through the RCA output on the rear panel. Conversely, if headphones are connected to the 6.35mm or 4.4mm jack outputs, the unit instantly switches to headphone amplifier function.
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5.0 (34,5 rb)

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4.9/ 5.0

100% pembeli merasa puas

7 rating • 2 ulasan


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