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Topping L30 II / L30 V2 High Performance NFCA Module Headphone AMP - Black

Terjual 20

bintang 5 (9 rating)

diskon 15%
Harga sebelum diskon Rp2.235.000

Pilih warna: Black

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Desktop DAC AMP
Redesigned NFCA Circuit.
Topping has featured a newly developed redesigned NFCA(Nested Feedback Composite Amplifier) module on the L30 II. It provides powerful amplification to the audio signals easily driving most of your headphones and IEMs with ease. The amplifier achieves high-output power ratings with ultra-low noise floor and high dynamic range.

Ultimate Power, Easily Drive Most Headphones and IEMs.
Topping L30 II gets high-output power ratings. It produces a whooping 3500mWx2 of clean output power at 16 of load. Even at the high-impedance 300 load, the Topping L30 II provides up to 560mW x2 of output power. These numbers are more than enough to drive most IEMS and Headphones with ease.

Top-Notch Sound Quality.
Topping L30 II is made to deliver top-quality performance. With the specially designed NFCA circuit, the L30 achieves an almost perfect performance with ultra-low distortion, high dynamic range, and high SNR ratings.

Compatible With Most Headphones Out There.
Topping L30 II output has high output voltage, high current, and low output impedance. It is suitable for both low-power requiring IEMs and Headphones as well as high-power requiring demanding headphones and IEMs.

Three-Gain Settings.
Topping L30 II features three gain levels. It has improved gain settings providing -14dB at low gain, 0dB at mid-gain, and 16.5dB at high-gain mode.

Technical Specification :
THD+N: <0.00006%.
SNR: 144dB.
DNR: 144dB.
Frequency Response: 20Hz-40kHz.
Output Level: 14Vpp(low gain), 31Vpp(mid gain), 37Vpp(high gain).
AP measure Noise level: <0.7uVrms(low gain).
Actual noise level: <0.3uVrms(low gain).
Channel crosstalk: -92dB.
Input Sensitivity: 25Vrms(low gain), 11.2Vrms(mid gain), 2.0Vrms(high gain).
Gain: -14dB/0dB/16.5dB.
Output Impedance: <0.1.
Output Power: 3.5Wx2@16, 2.7Wx2@32, 2Wx2@64, 560mWx2@300.
Load Impedance: >8.
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9 rating • 5 ulasan


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