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2 Pin 0.78mm

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TRN BT20XS AAC/SBC Bluetooth 5.3 Module Connector For Earphone - 2 Pin 0.78mm

Terjual 100+

bintang 5 (139 rating)

diskon 44%
Harga sebelum diskon Rp499.000

Pilih variant: 2 Pin 0.78mm

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Accessories
40 hours non-stop music playback

We all know that for Bluetooth earphones, battery capacity is one of the important criteria for evaluating their performance. If you use TB20xs, you don't have to worry about battery level issues at all. It can play music continuously for 40 hours.

High Quality bluetooth chip bluetooth 5.3 fast connection

Compared to Bluetooth 5.2, Bluetooth 5.3 has an effective coverage range of 15 meters. At the same time, it only takes 0 seconds to complete the switching action between the master and slave headphones. The latency of Bluetooth 5.2 is about 300 ms, while the Bluetooth 5.3 used in TB20xs reduces the latency to about 100 ms. In summary, this update to Bluetooth has greatly improved both the user experience and feedback on actual data.

Easy to have AAC/SBC wireless HD high fidelity experience

TB20xs has multiple headphone pin jacks, which is very convenient for IEMs. It enables you to have AAC/SBC wireless HD hi-fi experience very easily. You can easily turn a wired IEMs into a wireless HD hi-fi Bluetooth headset at any time and any place. It comes right out of your pocket when you need it and is ready to go right away.

With multiple touch functions and waterproof and sweatproof function

TB20xs has convenient touch buttons. It can complete five touch functions: "power on/off", "previous/next track", "answer/send a call", "enter pairing mode", "play/pause", making it very easy to operate and use.


Product model: TRN BT20XS
Bluetooth encoding: AAC/SBC
Bluetooth version: Bluetooth 5.3
Bluetooth chipset: High-quality Bluetooth chip
Weight: 8g per earpiece
Effective signal range: 15m
Charging port: Type-C
Charging voltage: DC5V, 1A
Battery capacity: 80mAh per earpiece
Charging case capacity: 700mAh
Standby time: 180h
Playback time: 40h with a charging case, 13h when using both earpieces only
Charging time charging case: 2.5-3h
Charging time modules: 1.5-2h
Logo csi-zone

5.0 (34,4 rb)

± 2 jam pesanan diproses

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5.0/ 5.0

100% pembeli merasa puas

139 rating • 51 ulasan


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Menampilkan 10 dari 51 ulasan

5 bulan lalu

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Varian: 2 Pin 0.78mm

Packing sangat aman, mulus. Barang dateng langsung dicoba dan bener bass-nya jadi ngurang sedikit tapi overall it's good. Ningning marry me

9 bulan lalu

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Varian: 2 Pin 0.78mm

produk berfungsi dengan baik. elastis bagian pinnya. kualitas suara emang berkurang dibanding kabel tapi overall lancar gak putus. Batere belum dicoba. semoga awet

12 bulan lalu

foto profil

Varian: QDC / PIN C KZ

Suaranya jernih banget ini, cuman minus bass gk nampol.... Mungkin kalau buat yg denger lagu biasa atau yg cuman main game gk masalah, tpi yg lagunya banyak bass kayak da...

7 bulan lalu

foto profil

Varian: 2 Pin 0.78mm

Baru pakai, kualitasnya lebih bagus dari perkiraan saya. Dengan harga segini, saya gaakan ada ekspektasi suara IEM bakal bagus, ternyata beda dikit doang ama pakai kabel,...

8 bulan lalu

foto profil

Varian: 2 Pin 0.78mm

enak di pake, harga pas buat kualitas, tapi kalo buat gaming, best with wired.

8 bulan lalu

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Varian: MMCX

Impresi pemakaian perdana manteep qualitynya bukan yg murahan..balikin fitrahnya tws kz yg dimodif jd iem kabelan gegara module bluetoothnya rusak..wkkwkw

Lebih dari 1 tahun lalu

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Varian: QDC / PIN C KZ

Barangnya original 👍 Speakernya Jelas Kualitasnya Bagus Desainnya Bagus

9 bulan lalu

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Varian: 2 Pin 0.78mm

Nice product !! Test on Chu 2, Detail rada mundur, kurang power kali ya wkwkwk

4 bulan lalu

foto profil

Varian: 2 Pin 0.78mm

sepintas pemakaian modul bluetooth ini arah suaranya mid centric, sound stage lebar, cocok ma selera, untuk delaynya ga parah2 amat, lagian bukan untuk main game

11 bulan lalu

foto profil

Varian: QDC / PIN C KZ

good good good good power gede, bass horeg berkurang dikit, treebel naik dikit, pas dikuping

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