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Upside Down Crazy Madness

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
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Spesifikasi Judul : Upside Down Crazy Madness ( Jungkir Balik Gila Tidak Waras) Penulis : Bumbunan Sitorus Tebal : xxiv + 224 hlm: 15,5 x 23 cm ISBN : 978-623-183-600-7 Cetakan : November 2023 Jenis : Agama ===================================== Deskripsi Bumbunan Sitorus Pane is a senior medical practioner, Master Sociologist, Bible teacher, translator and writer I have known now for over thirty years and worked with in Indonesia in the School of Life and in the School of Hard Knocks. He is a keen thinker and when we get together there is no boring moments coz both of us are bookaholic, a crazy book lover, a Standing Up comedian, we like to joke together. This book has come out of his own personal study believing the Unveiling of Truth from revelation to revolution for all of us who hunger for Post Truth unveiling and crazy mad intimate relationship with Abba Father.
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