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MODENA Built In Gas Hob - BH 1935 ABBK

Terjual 2

bintang 5 (1 rating)

  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: MODENA Gas Hob
PASTIKAN MEMERIKSA KEMBALI PESANAN ANDA {TELAH SESUAI DENGAN KEBUTUHAN} SEBELUM MELAKUKAN PEMBELIAN. BARANG YANG SUDAH DIBELI TIDAK DAPAT DIKEMBALIKAN ATAU DITUKAR / NO RETURN OR EXCHANGE ALLOWED CAST IRON GRID​ Steel burner for easy cleaning and faster heat distribution​ GAS SAFETY TECHNOLOGY​ Ensures the safety of the cooker, as the thermocouple sensor immediately shuts off the gas​ flow once the cooking flame is extinguished.​ 3 RING BURNERS​ Distributes heat optimally across the entire cooking surface for evenly cooked meals​ TEMPERED CRYSTAL​ Take the appearance of the cooker to another level with an elegant and durable luxury finish, which is also heat-resistant and can withstand heavy weight.​ 3 GAS BURNERS​ 2 @ 3-RING BURNER​ MEDIUM BURNER​ ALUMINUM BURNER​ GAS SAFETY TECHNOLOGY​ ONE HAND IGNITION​ IGNITION POWER WITH BATTERY​ TEMPERED GLASS TOP PLATE​ CAST IRON GRID​ PRODUCT DIMENSION :​ LENGTH : 865 MM​ WIDTH : 510 MM​ CUT OUT DIMENSION :​ LENGTH : 827 MM​ WIDTH : 470 MM​ CATATAN : Proses pengiriman 3-14 hari kerja untuk transaksi sebelum pukul 12:00, hari Minggu dan Tanggal Merah off.
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4.9 (11 rb)

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