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BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat Board Game

15 orang menyukai barang ini
  • Kondisi: Baru
  • Min. Pemesanan: 1 Buah
  • Etalase: Semua Etalase
Number of Players : 2 Game Time: 120 Minutes In this introduction to the BattleTech game and universe, players each take control of one or more giant walking war machines (BattleMechs, aka #39;Mechs) and battle until their opponent is destroyed or until the scenario objectives being played are completed. In 2019 the old BattleTech Introductory Box Set was replaced by two all-new box sets. The second of these (after the Beginner Box) is A Game of Armored Combat. AGoAC comes with eight #39;Mech miniatures (made to a higher quality level than the previous generation of box set miniatures). The AGoAC rules cover introductory weapons and construction technology, and the standard BattleTech ruleset for #39;Mechs. An expansion for this set, the BattleTech: Clan Invasion box set, adds more advanced technologies and introduces the Clan factions. In terms of rulebooks, the intended follow-on from this box is either the BattleMech Manual (for more advanced but still #39;Mech-only play) or Total Warfare (for combined arms play featuring #39;Mechs, combat vehicles, infantry, air support, etc).
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5.0 (52 rb)

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