Indonesia, 28 Maret 2019 – Tokopedia bekerja sama dengan Universitas Indonesia (UI) hari ini meluncurkan Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence, pusat pengembangan AI (Artificial Intelligence) pertama di Indonesia yang menggunakan teknologi super-komputer deep learning dari NVIDIA, NVIDIA® DGX-1. Hal ini ditujukan untuk mendorong para pelaku akademi dan peneliti dalam memanfaatkan teknologi, khususnya AI, agar dapat menghadirkan solusi bagi masalah yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat dan industri.
“Bayangkan suatu waktu dimana semua orang dapat memperluas bisnis dari manapun mereka berada dan dapat menghantarkan produk dan menghadirkan layanan terbaik, dimana setiap konsumen di Indonesia dapat menerima setiap produk yang mereka pesan dalam hari yang sama. Ketika hal ini tercapai, kami telah selangkah lebih dekat dalam mencapai misi kami untuk mendorong pemerataan ekonomi secara digital. Semua hal ini tidak hanya akan menjadi mimpi dan dapat direalisasikan melalui Artificial Intelligence, seperti misalnya demand prediction, smart warehouse, and smart logistic,” ujar CEO Tokopedia, William Tanuwijaya. “Di Tokopedia, kami percaya bahwa teknologi seharusnya menjadi enabler yang memberdayakan masyarakat dan tidak menjadi disruptor. Hari ini, kami mengumumkan kolaborasi kami dengan Universitas Indonesia untuk menjembatani pelaku akademi dan periset, bersama-sama dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan, agar dapat mendorong riset dan pengembangan AI demi pemberdayaan dan kemajuan bangsa,” tambah William.

“Sebagai perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia, UI memiliki komitmen untuk memajukan bangsa melalui semangat riset dan inovasi. UI juga memiliki tanggung jawab di dalam mencari solusi atas permasalahan dan tantangan yang dihadapi bangsa ini. Agenda hari ini menjadi salah satu bukti bahwa semangat Riset dan Inovasi UI didukung penuh oleh perusahaan teknologi Indonesia, Tokopedia. Diharapkan kolaborasi antara dunia pendidikan tinggi dengan industri dapat mencetak lulusan yang unggul dan siap berkompetisi secara global. Selain itu, kolaborasi yang sarat dengan teknologi tingkat tinggi ini diharapkan dapat menstimulasi semangat berinovasi bagi sivitas akademika UI untuk menghasilkan temuan riset berkelas demi kemajuan perekonomian bangsa Indonesia ke tingkat berikutnya,” tutur Rektor UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met.
“Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence ini dapat menjadi wadah bagi mahasiswa dan peneliti di Fasilkom UI dalam mengembangkan inovasi bidang AI serta penerapannya pada berbagai permasalahan nyata seperti pembayaran digital, sistem analitika e-commerce, logistik, urban mobility, kesehatan, teknologi maritim, keamanan informasi, maupun layanan publik. Fasilitas ini diharapkan pula dapat mendukung Fasilkom UI dalam menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang siap berkontribusi dan berdaya saing secara global khususnya di bidang AI,” kata Dekan Fasilkom UI, Mirna Adriani, Ph.D.
Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence ini didukung oleh NVIDIA DGX-1, yang dilengkapi dengan GPU NVIDIA® Tesla® V100 mutakhir yang dirancang dengan struktur Tensor Core untuk mempercepat kinerja AI. ‘Komputer super dalam kotak’ ini menggunakan NVIDIA GPU Cloud Deep Learning Stack dan merupakan versi teroptimal dari framework yang paling populer saat ini, yang mampu melakukan pelatihan data 4x lebih cepat daripada sistem berbasis GPU lainnya.
“Super-komputer DGX-1 kami menjadi pusat perhatian dalam komunitas penelitian. Instalasi pertama di Indonesia menunjukkan betapa besarnya visi Tokopedia dan UI serta upaya mereka untuk mendorong pertumbuhan industri teknologi di negeri ini. Selain perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak, NVIDIA juga akan berbagi pengetahuan dan terlibat dalam pemeliharaan teknologi super-komputer tersebut untuk mencapai tujuan bersama,” kata Director-SEA Region, NVIDIA, Ettikan Karuppiah.
Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi RI, Mohamad Nasir, mengungkapkan dukungan atas lahirnya Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence, “Kita semua patut mengapresiasi lahirnya Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence sebagai pusat pengembangan AI pertama di Indonesia dengan teknologi super-komputer. Pusat pengembangan AI ini diharapkan bisa melahirkan putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang ahli di bidang riset dan teknologi, yang mampu memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat kedepannya.”
Tentang Tokopedia
Tokopedia memiliki misi mencapai pemerataan ekonomi secara digital. Visi Tokopedia adalah membangun sebuah ekosistem dimana siapa pun bisa memulai dan menemukan apa pun. Saat ini, Tokopedia memberdayakan jutaan penjual dan pengguna melalui marketplace, logistik, pembayaran dan teknologi finansial.
Kontak Media
Antonia Adega | Senior PR Tokopedia |
Tokopedia and UI Launch AI Center of Excellence, First in Indonesia with Supercomputer Technology from NVIDIA
Indonesia, 28 March 2019 – Tokopedia collaborates with Universitas Indonesia (UI) to launch Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence, the first AI (Artificial Intelligence) development center in Indonesia with deep learning supercomputer technology from NVIDIA, NVIDIA® DGX-1. This initiative is taken to encourage academics and researchers to use technology, especially AI, in presenting real-life solutions to problems that occur in society as well as industries.
“Imagine a time when anyone can expand their business from wherever they live and be able to deliver their product and provide the best service quality, while every consumer in Indonesia will be able to receive any product they ordered on the same day. When this happened, our mission to democratize commerce through technology will be that much closer to reality. All of this will no longer be a dream, and can be achieved through Artificial Intelligence, such as demand prediction, smart warehouses, and smart logistics,” said CEO of Tokopedia, William Tanuwijaya. “At Tokopedia, we believe that technology should be an enabler that empowers the people, rather than a disruptor. Today, we are announcing our collaboration with Universitas Indonesia in bridging academicians and researchers, together with every stakeholder, to drive the research and development of AI for the empowerment and advancement of Indonesia,” William added.
Through the collaboration, researchers from UI will develop AI-based solutions to address problems that occur in society and industry, including the e-commerce industry, such as logistics, risk management, cybersecurity, and payment. In addition, researchers are also able to examine various ways to help traders produce and provide services, and create better products by using NVIDIA’s super-computer technology.
“As the best university in Indonesia, UI has a commitment to push the nation forward through the spirit of research and innovation. UI also has responsibility in finding solutions to the problems and challenges this nation has been facing. Today’s agenda is the proof that the spirit of UI Research and Innovation is fully supported by the Indonesian technology company, Tokopedia. It is hoped that this collaboration between the higher education sector and industry can produce excellent graduates who are ready to compete globally. In addition, we expect this collaboration can stimulate the spirit of innovation for UI academicians to contribute world-class level of research findings for the advancement of the Indonesian economy to the next level,” said UI Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met.
“Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence can be a forum for students and researchers at Fasilkom UI in developing AI innovations as well as their application to various real-life issues such as digital payments, e-commerce analytical systems, logistics, urban mobility, health, maritime technology, information security, and public services. This facility is also expected to be able to support Fasilkom UI in producing human resources that are ready to contribute and compete globally, especially in the field of AI,” said Dean of Fasilkom UI, Mirna Adriani, Ph.D.
Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence is powered by NVIDIA DGX-1, which is equipped with the latest NVIDIA® Tesla® V100 GPUs built on the Core Tensor architecture to accelerate AI performance. The ‘supercomputer-in-a-box’ delivers 4X faster training speed than other GPU-based systems by using the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Deep Learning Stack with optimised versions of today’s most popular frameworks.
“Our DGX-1 supercomputers are making waves in the research community. This first installation in Indonesia speaks volumes of the vision of both UI and Tokopedia and their endeavors to drive e-commerce growth in the country. Beyond the hardware and software, NVIDIA will also be sharing our know-how and work closely with the center in achieving its goals,” said Director-SEA Region, NVIDIA, Ettikan Karuppiah.
Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Mohamad Nasir, expressed his support on the inauguration of Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence. “We all need to appreciate the emergence of Tokopedia-UI AI Center of Excellence as the first AI research center in Indonesia with super-computer technology. This AI research center is hoped to be able to bring about the best Indonesian experts in research and technology, who are able to provide solutions for the problems happening in the society.”
About Tokopedia
Tokopedia’s mission is to democratize commerce through technology. Our vision is to build an ecosystem where anyone can start and discover anything. Today, we empower millions of merchants and users across our marketplace, logistics, payments and financial technology businesses.
Media Contact
Antonia Adega | Senior PR Tokopedia |